• Hello, my logo simply does not load. I have no idea whats going on.

    These are the only changes i made in ‘child’:

     Theme Name:     custmizr-child
     Theme URI:      xxxxxx
     Description:    My description
     Author:         Me
     Author URI:     xxx
     Template:       customizr
     Version:        1.0.0
    @import url("../customizr/style.css");
    .format-icon:before {
    	speak: none;
      text-transform: none;
      -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
      padding-right: 10px;
      opacity: 0.2;
      position: relative;
      top: 8px;
      display: none;
      font: normal normal 1.2em/1 'entypo';
    /* hide Tagline, if not needed */
    .navbar-wrapper .navbar h2 {
    display:        none;

    aannndddddd functions

    if (!function_exists('add_decoration')) {
      function add_decoration() {
        // do something
    add_action ( 'wp_head', 'remove_single_post_nav_links');
    function remove_single_post_nav_links() {
        //we only want to remove those nav links for a sinlge post and not for the list of posts
        if ( !is_single() )
        //this action is defined in the class-content-post_navigation.php file
        remove_action  ( '__after_loop' , array( TC_post_navigation::$instance , 'tc_post_nav' ), 20 );
    //we hook the code on the __before_body hook, which is executed before the  rendering.
    add_action ('__before_body' , 'remove_post_metas');
    function remove_post_metas() {
        //we remove the original action hooked on '__post_metas'. tc_post_metas action is a method of the TC_post_metas class
        //We can access the instance of this class with a static property of this class that is a self instance.
        remove_action  ( '__post_metas' , array( TC_post_metas::$instance , 'tc_post_metas' ));

    [Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

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  • Theme Author presscustomizr


    Hi @edi1611,the code above should not have any impact on the logo.
    this might be related to a file permissions setting on your server.
    Hope this helps

    Thread Starter edi1611


    Hello, could u explain to me what should i do? which files to change the attributes for? I am kinda newb and this is the last thing im troubling with.

    Theme Author presscustomizr


    the wp-content/uploads folder has to be set to permission 755. That should be fine.

    Thread Starter edi1611


    hey, it already was set to 755 :\ Is there anything else?

    Thread Starter edi1611


    it shows up that those files are uploaded but nothing else happens

    Link to site?

    Thread Starter edi1611


    I presume you have tried to load your logo as in the Documentation?

    it shows up that those files are uploaded but nothing else happens

    What do you mean by ‘it’? Can you be a bit more specific? What are you using to load your files to the host server? Anything unique about that host server?

    Longshot – any plugins that might be conflicting? Try disabling them all and adding one-by-one to find a culprit.

    Can you try a different Theme to see if logo is a problem there as well?

    Thread Starter edi1611


    by it I mean file in .png 250px x 100px. I am using the tool located in customizr menager. Nothing unique with that host server i bet.

    Umm strange, uploading in other themes doesnt work aswell ??

    Does it give u any ideas? how to fix this? They just load into my media folder, but they do not pop up on the website autmaticaly.

    It is not connected with addons, Ive disabled em all already

    Just a long shot but did you create the logo file or did it come from a third party? Is it definitely in a web format (a .png filename doesn’t guarantee that it’s a .png).

    You probably know all this but here’s a chart detailing image file types that won’t show up in some or all browsers:


    Thread Starter edi1611


    thanks, but i already tried with jpeg also, i downloaded these from goodle images. Tried in IE, chrome and firefox

    Try deactivating ALL plugins and switching to a default theme. Are the images you downloaded legally permitted for your use?

    Thread Starter edi1611


    well i use them on my slider and they do work. I cut them into 250×100 just to test the theme, but it doesnt work as my logo. Is there another way to load them from my media folder into logo? Any code?

    Can you test on a localhost? If it loads on your own computer and server then the problem has to be with the remote server.

    But the fact that you can’t get it to show up in other themes too suggests that there is something wrong with the logo image. Have you tried uploading as a logo one of the images that do show up in your sidebar?

    Maybe try changing the filename and re-uploading? Something very simple like logo.png…

    Sorry, you answered one of my questions while I wasn’t looking.

    If all else fails, maybe you could link to the offending logo image and someone else can try it out for you.

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