• Hi, I am trying to change the Daily Notes logo. I have read the ‘read me’ file downloaded with the theme and followed it to the letter. I now have a file ‘logo.png’ in my themes images folder.

    My problems is, how the hell do I get it uploaded on to my site? Please help (I am a complete novice so instructions in crayon and chalk only please).

    Many thanks

    Donna xx

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  • /wp-content/themes/DailyNotes/images/logo.png

    Thread Starter Donna Newton


    Hi Samuel.

    Yes, basically (if you are asking where this files is on my wp). I have it in my documents/downloads/dailynotes/themes/dailynotes/images/logo.png

    (i think that’s right).

    I have no idea how to get it to the website.

    log into direct admin, via this link https://tesla.medialayer.net:2222 and click on “file manager”, click on /wp-content/themes/DailyNotes/images/ and then, at the bottom of the page, there is a “upload files” button, click it and upload the image you want, into your site. Make sure, you rename the uploaded file, to the exact name of “logo.png”

    this should upload your new logo.

    Can you post your website link?

    Thread Starter Donna Newton


    Hi Mark,

    You guys are very kind in helping me……but, I cannot log into your link.

    By asking for my website link, do I understand correct that you want https://www.donnanewton.co.uk? Sorry, I did warn that I was a novice ??

    What website hosting service and domain service did you go with? And its okay ?? no problem

    Thread Starter Donna Newton


    Mark, you are too kind (and patient)!

    The hosting service is with Dream Host and I registerd my domain name with domain express. I am feeling really thick now lol. I hope they are the correct answers you wanted.

    its okay. I have only been doing this for 2 weeks myself. I was exactly were you are now lol, us british ppl are thick lol. In dream host, is there a file manager link you can click on? I use – direct admin (media layer .com) and when i want to change my logo, i have to log into direct admin, click on “file manager” and then browse through the WP files, and either delete or replace the file. For it to take effect on my website. Im guessing that dream host, is quite similar. By the way, in your wp files, (on your comp) were your logo is, are there 2 files? one named logo.png? and one called logo.jpg?

    Thread Starter Donna Newton


    Oh Mark, you have just made me feel a whole lot better…..it’s not us Brits, but the Americans who can’t explain anything properly :p

    I have had a quick look on Dream Host and surprise surprise there is not file manager (now that would have made it far too easy).

    I will keep looking though. I did find a file in the wp files and replaced it with what I want. How hard can this be ha ha!

    In your wp files, when you replaced it, did it replace the original file? or make a copy of it? For example Logo.png and logo.png (2) ??? Or maybe logo.png and logo.jpg?? When you replace the file, you must make sure that the one you are replacing, is over-written, or deleted. Or WP will continue to use the original file. or if you have 2 files, for example, one named logo.png, and one named logo.jpg. You need to make sure that the one you want to use, is named logo.png. Then you can just delete the old file. Secondly, it may not be called “file manager”, it may be called something else, like file admin, or files and folders etc… ??

    either way, il keep looking for a solution ?? My email address is [email protected] (this is the person i am making the website for – my names still mark lol) Take this, incase you need anything in the future. I have faveourted your website, to see how it develops ??

    And yes, some americans on here, type with their eyes shut sometimes. lol

    Thread Starter Donna Newton


    I just got worried I was calling Suzie, Mark lol.
    I have just had a live chat with a girl on Dream Host and she walked me through it, poor thing. I think I frazzled her brain.
    I had to go through ftp and now it’s done, only I want it bigger, but one step at a time, eh? God I need a cuppa!
    My email is [email protected] if you ever need any help with anything (I am very very good at buying clothes and spending money!)
    Thank you so much for all you time and help and good luck with Suzie’s website. Let me know the address as I would love to see it.
    Have a great Sunday and a good week.
    Donna x

    lol, i will reply to that through an email. As i fear that the ever watching americans, will close in on us soon. ??

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