Login Status Not Carrying Over Past Homepage
When the user comes from SITE A to SITE B, they have “Login” status. When they click off to the next page in pagination, it doesn’t recognize them as logged in anymore.
Any ideas?
Im afraid not for the moment…
Can you create a test user and send the name and pass to [email protected]?
Go to https://www.HavasuScannerFeed.com – You will see banner ads. Right below the top one is the ability to pay for a subscription or login. Click LOGIN. User “rafasashi” for both username and password. You should then be logged in and the ads and sidebar will disappear. When you click over to “ARREST REPORTS” at the top, that will take you to SITE B. If your script works, it should bring your account over to the other site without you having to re-login. If you find it works, click around into a couple of the posts on that side of the site and you’ll see that as you go into some of the reports the ads and banners comeback.
SITE A uses “Paid Membership Pro” to remove the ads based on the users subscription matching a paid plan (I upgraded your account to one).
SITE B uses if(!is_user_logged_in()) to hide the banners and sidebar.
Thanks. I have tested it and the plugin is indeed not working with your current setup.
I need more time to analyse the situation and release a possible fix. I keep you informed.
Food for thought.
The site is setup under subfolders. Should I try setting the site as a sub-folder instead of sub-domain?
Site A – https://www.havasuscannerfeed.com (the www) is under <domain>/HSF
SITE B – https://arrests.havasuscannerfeed.com (arrests) is under <domain>/HAREven though you’re accessing the site from sub-domains and the sub-folders the installation is handled from is hidden. Perhaps adding or replacing within your plugin’s configuration would fix?
In the mean time, here is the github repository for the plugin
And here is the version I am actually working on.
Could you please try to manually install this version and let me know?
The upgrade should be made by WP on top of the current plugin.
What is the content of List of domains 1 ?
I installed version 1.3.4 on both sites overtop of the previous version.
I also tried adding my idea of the sub-domains. I tested and find the same result. Willing to continue testing with you to help improve the plugin. ??
I placed in your plugin config on both installs
havasuscannerfeed.com/HARCan you remove the https:// in front of https://www.havasuscannerfeed.com?
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
My mistake. There is already no https:// in front. Sorry, I didn’t copy and paste, I manually typed them into the support ticket. Habit.
Multiple things here.
First it should be:
havasuscannerfeed.com/HAR/Assuming that havasuscannerfeed.com/HSF/ and havasuscannerfeed.com/HAR/ are accessible. Right now I am redirected to https://www.havasuscannerfeed.com when trying to access them.
Now im going to focus on arrests.havasuscannerfeed.com first, can you please reinstall the repo. I have made a small change?
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
Re-downloaded https://github.com/rafasashi/user-session-synchronizer/archive/master.zip and re-installed it overtop on both sites.
The forum auto replaces ‘www.havasuscannerfeed.com by https://www.havasuscannerfeed.com :-/ (never mind)
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
I think I am connected now… despite the fact that the ads are still visible.
Let me explain step by step…
– go to https://www.havasuscannerfeed.com
– login
– press ctrl+U so show the source
– press ctrl+F to search the source
– search ussync
– you should see an url looking like:This is the encrypted email for my account passed to arrests.havasuscannerfeed.com
When I request this from my session I get:
User 4 logged in…
This prove one thing, the setup is correct because encryption/decryption is working.
Second observation I have a cookie session added see the screenshot I sent you by email.
It means that the plugin successfully create a session.
Third when I try to access https://arrests.havasuscannerfeed.com/wp-admin/
I get:
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
This is also a positive sign because without session I would be redirected to the login form right?
Now my guess is that you have a problem elsewhere in your installation…
SITE B (arrests.havasuscannerfeed.com) is only using the if(!is_user_logged_in()) logic to hide the ads and sidebar. Is there another logic that you would suggest?
This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by
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