Well, I can give you an example.
We have a login page that needs to redirect to member resources page after successful login.
Center login code:
<h3>Login Form:</h3>
[login redirect_page=”https://ocadultdayservices.org/wp/member-resources-2″%5D
<h3>Forgot your password?</h3>
[forgot-password redirect_page=”https://ocadultdayservices.org/wp/forgot-password”%5D
The member resources page has a login, too if they come in that way.
Forgot password page doesn’t redirect to the confirm/reset page.
Here is the code:
[restricted minimum_level=’1”…content’/restricted]
[wpfilebase tag=list showcats=1 pagenav=1 /]
If you are not seeing the list of resources above, you must be logged in to view it.
<h3>Login Form:</h3>
[login redirect_page=”https://ocadultdayservices.org/wp/member-login/”%5D
Here is the confirm forgot password:
[confirm-forgot-password reset_email_url=”https://ocadultservices.org/wp/member-resources-2/”%5D
I set up temporary SMTP with my own account through Google for testing only.
We are expecting this to happen:
Click on either CENTER LOGIN or MEMBER RESOURCES to login.
Login and be taken to the same MEMBER RESOURCES page with list of documents showing now after login.
If you don’t remember your password, from CENTER LOGIN page you can click to RESET/FORGOT password.
There, you enter your email and should be given the reset form.
We are not getting those steps. On FORGOT PASSWORD page when I type in my email and click, It’s the same page that jumps down and no email comes through.
We are not redirected to the CONFIRM RESET page.
CONFIRM RESET page is supposed to redirect to MEMBER RESOURCES page after you reset.
What am I missing?