• Hi there,
    this is a general problem. I have checked this very carefully on several sites and I think this is a bug.

    I often use ultimate member for restrictions and login and also gravity forms with user registration add on to register users (There are reasons why I use gravity forms registration). It all works very well together.

    But now we have discovered a problem when certain special characters are used in the password, such as ” (quotation marks). Example password: Sx’2025!xyz
    Only if I register with UM registration form it is possible to log in with this password.
    If I register a user with gf or in the wp backend with e.g. “, the login works via wp-login but not via the login form of ultimate member.
    If I register using the ultimate member registration form with the same password, the login also works with um login.

    This is quite frustrating for users who set their password and then cannot log in.
    Can you check this please.
    Best Michael

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by michelsx.
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