• I loaded the blog via godaddy. it is hosted on godaddy. I have another blog set up without issue,

    I loadd this one for a freind and here is the problem

    when I click the link “www.wood-right.com/wood-right blog” I get to the wordpress main page.
    But when I click login it says I have found an incorrect page. I check the url address it is trying to access and it is “www.wood-right.com/wood-rightblog” the space between right and blog is gone. All the folders are loaded up in teh same directory .. wood-right.com/wood-right blog .. so why is it looking for wood-right.com/wood-rightblog

    I followed the instructions for manually changing as outlined here


    but the two fields the author says to check and change were the right address so .. Im stuck!

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  • You shouldn’t have spaces in urls. I’d suggest either using https://www.wood-right.com/wood-rightblog or https://www.wood-right.com/wood-right-blog



    I have a similar issue that just started.

    I have my main instal at https://www.websitename.com/main/. This is where the login and link for a new account is. However, the signup link for new account points to https://www.websitename.com/register instead of https://www.websitename.com/main/register.

    How can I correct this???

    Thank you in advance.



    I have a related question:

    I have a website already set up, at https://www.denvermediation.info. After a while I purchased another domain name and set that up as a URL redirect…so if you type in https://www.justiceforall.cc it will take you to https://www.denvermediation.info.

    Ok, so now I have the Justice for All name registered as an business with the IRS and want that to be the main central URL that everyone uses and sees. If I go to the WordPress controls and look for the set up, I think under “General,” and change the URL to https://www.justiceforall.cc will that mess up the whole URL redirect that’s set up already? I’m thinking it should just simplify it so you type justiceforall.cc and you get taken to justiceforall.cc but I’m afraid to do it in case it screws something up. Can anyone please elaborate on this? Should I call GoDaddy first and ask them to disable the denvermediation.info?



    If I understand correctly, you have not installed anything at justiceforall.cc, you’ve just parked the domain and it is sending everyone to denvermediation.info, right? You’ll have to move everything over to justiceforall.cc if you want to change the url in the dashboard, otherwise it will be looking for something that isn’t there.



    I don’t think 4795209’s question was related, so in case my issue got overlooked, I’ll mention it again:

    I have my main install at https://www.websitename.com/main/. This is where the login and link for a new account is. However, the signup link for new account points to https://www.websitename.com/register instead of https://www.websitename.com/main/register.

    How can I correct this???

    Thank you in advance.



    Hi…I believe I isolated the problem. In my case, it was the “Buddypress My Friends Widgets” plugin that created the wrong signup link on the main page. I will contact the developer of this plugin.



    I don’t think I explained the problem very well.

    The website https://www.justiceforall.cc is a functioning website. Denvermediation.info is the same website. I got the domain name denvermediation.info first. I set up the WordPress theme first using Denvermediation.info as the URL. Then I purchased another URL through GODaddy, Justiceforall.cc and then I started my business Justice for All.
    If you type in justiceforall.cc it will take you to denvermediation.info.

    What I want to know is if I change the URL in the General settings, so the URL and blog URL are https://www.justiceforall.cc instead of denvermediation.info, will that screw anything up? Since the URL redirect is set up through GoDaddy.com so that if you type in justiceforall.cc it will take you to denvermediation.info.

    Please clarify for me if you don’t mind.



    What I want to know is if I change the URL in the General settings, so the URL and blog URL are https://www.justiceforall.cc instead of denvermediation.info, will that screw anything up?

    Oh yes – it will!

    Have a look at Changing_The_Site_URL instead.



    I read the page you suggested, but am still confused.

    I originally registered the denvermediation.info domain name to build the website on and put denvermediation.info into the dashboard of the website when I set it up from a blog to a website. Then I purchased the URL re-direct https://www.justiceforall.cc so that justiceforall.cc redirects to denvermediation.info.

    1) What would be the easiest, simplest way to fix this so that the site has the single domain name of justiceforall.cc? There must be a way to do this without having to recreate the entire website/theme again.

    2) What happens if I let the denvermediation.info domain name/URL expire from GoDaddy and do not renew that URL or domain name?

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