• cydward


    I’ve been searching the codex and forums for 2 days and can’t find an answer for this.

    My site is up and running fine, but when I try to login, I get a 404 not found error. I can access the database, and I can get to the site via ftp and I can see nothing wrong. wp-login.php exists where it has always existed.

    The only thing I can think of is that I added two new administrative logins and deleted “admin” (per instructions on sitepoint on securing the system). I’m pretty sure I was able to login after that, but it’s been so long now, I’m not sure anymore.

    I disabled all plugins by creating a new plugin folder after renaming the old one, but no change. I don’t think it’s the .htaccess, because I’m not getting a permissions error.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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  • Moderator t-p


    -temporarily rename / delete the .htaccess to see if that resoves the issue.

    -if not, try switching to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific issue?

    If you don’t have access to your admin area, then access your server via FTP or SFTP or whatever file management application your host provides.



    If you have access (myphpadmin) check the URL’s settings.
    Also while there, check the Admin accounts since you mention editing them.

    Thread Starter cydward


    Thanks for the help, t-p and webjunk,


    I tried removing/naming .htaccess. No help. I still get a 404 not found error, but this time from Bluehost. When the original .htaccess was there, the 404 error was a page in the site, with the theme intact. When I remove the .htaccess, I just get a vanilla 404 error.

    I can’t switch themes, since I can’t login to the admin area. I don’t even get a login screen. I just get 404 not found (even though I can get to the site itself). https://www.erinhydequilts.com/

    I do have ftp access, as I mentioned in the original post (that’s how I changed .htaccess), but how do I change the theme there? Is that what you were suggesting?


    I checked the siteurl in phpMyAdmin and it hasn’t changed. It correctly targets the subdirectory where I installed WordPress, which is what it was when it was working, as well.

    When you say to check the Admin accounts, can you be more specific? The account with the name Admin is gone (I followed Sitepoints security recommendations and removed it after creating new adminstrative accounts with different names.) The three admin accounts are all showing up in the database, but I don’t know what else to look for.

    Thanks again. I’m in real trouble here, so I’m really grateful for anyone’s help.

    Clayton James


    index.php is missing from your /wpsystem directory. Start there and see how you progress.

    Thread Starter cydward



    I don’t have an index.php in any of my other sites’ wordpress directories and they’re still working. I even have a copy of this whole site on my test server (no index.php in the wpsystem folder there, either) and I can login there just fine.

    Since I run everything from the top directory (www.erinhydequilts.com), that’s where the index.php is that’s doing the work.

    I did, of course, try putting one back in with the same settings as the mother directory, but it didn’t help, so I took it back out to match the installation on the test server.

    Thanks for the suggestion.

    Thread Starter cydward


    Say, Clayton, how could you see that there’s no index.php in my wpsystem directory?

    Clayton James


    I can see it because it is missing, and you don’t limit casual browsing of your directories with Options -Indexes in your .htaccess.


    I suspect what you have done at some point, is setup your site to serve from root, while leaving wordpress in its own directory named “wpsystem”. While doing that you may have deleted the index.php file rather than making a copy of it to place at root.

    Giving WordPress its Own Directory While Leaving Your Blog in the Root Directory See step 7 for reference.

    But, if you say it’s been working fine… I might be missing something.

    Thread Starter cydward


    Thanks for all the help, everyone.

    I ran a check database and it said everything was fine. But since I’d exhausted everything else, including the fine suggestions here, and was getting dizzy from reading through all the code, I went ahead and ran a repair database and voila! – I can once again login. Who knows how it happened, but since it’s fixed, my mood has been greatly elevated. (Of course, it might be the Thai food I just had.)

    Hopefully, if anyone else gets stuck in a similar situation, this thread might help them a little.

    Thanks again,

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