• Hello

    I begin to say wordpress is really cool, like it.

    Now, the problem.

    I use 3.2.1 fr, i have developped a custom login, the first time where i found the problem, i think it’s i have write an error on my code, so i have desactivated my theme (and custom login) and i have try, the error is the same (i have try to another site too).

    The error is when i go to wp-admin/ and insert my login with a bad password, the error’s message is :
    “ERREUR : le mot de passe que vous avez saisi pour l’identifiant n’est pas le bon. Avez-vous perdu votre mot de passe ?”

    The last “have you lost your password ?” is a link and this link is simply my email and not an url (?lostpassword)

    what’s wrong ?
    this is me or a i found wp bug ?

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