Login information sent is not working.
I loaded WP thru Softaculous on this website but it will not let me log in with this information. Tells me username not valid, but I can reset password with email and that email tells me that is the user name. Argh….
A new installation of WordPress 3.9.1 has been completed. The details of the installation are shown below:
Path : /home/teambadv/public_html/blog
URL : https://www.teambadventures.com/blog
Admin URL : https://www.teambadventures.com/blog/wp-admin/
Admin Username : : what they said
Admin Password :what i picked
Admin Email: ??????
MySQL Database :
MySQL DB User :
MySQL DB Host :
MySQL DB Password : 00Pe(9xS[S
Update Notification : Enabled
Auto Upgrade : Disabled
Automated Backups : Disabled
Time of Installation : June 2, 2014, 10:18 pm
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