• itnext


    Hey there – great theme – sharp easy to use.
    Can i get the theme to apply to the Login and Register pages?

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  • Thread Starter itnext


    The following code saved as a template almost works except the Column 2 data (the site has 2 columns elsewhere) appears in Column 2 but dropped about 70px or so…

    Template Name: Login Page
    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div id="left">
    <div id="archive">
    <h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
    <div id="primary" class="col-md-8">
    <form name="loginform" id="loginform" action="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/wp-login.php" method="post">
    		<input type="text" name="log" id="user_login" class="input" value="" size="20" tabindex="10" /></label>
    		<input type="password" name="pwd" id="user_pass" class="input" value="" size="20" tabindex="20" /></label>
    	<p class="forgetmenot"><label><input name="rememberme" type="checkbox" id="rememberme" value="forever" tabindex="90" /> Remember Me</label></p>
    	<p class="submit">
    		<input type="submit" name="wp-submit" id="wp-submit" class="button-primary" value="Log In" tabindex="100" />
    		<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/wp-admin/" />
    		<input type="hidden" name="testcookie" value="1" />
    <p id="nav">
    <a>/wp-login.php?action=lostpassword" title="Password Lost and Found">Lost your password?</a>
    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    I would suggest copying over page.php and start your template using that file.

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