Looks like you have a little more work to do there.
If your WordPress is a multisite then you’ll need to point the domain into the root directory for that multisite… you’ll need to add a new site to the multisite… you’ll need to map the domain within the multisite to the new site you added to the multisite.
If not then you’ll need to build a new WordPress in a sub-directory and point the new site into that subdirectory… provided Bluehost allows that (I think they do).
The multisite is usually the ‘way to go’ but if you believe the new site and domain will overwhelm the ability of the host to handle both sites after a time then you might want to try for the sub-domain for now which will make it easier to split the site off to its own host later.
Reality is either method can handle being separated later so the choice isn’t super critical. And there are hardware choices to handle most any problem.
I Googled Black Lama Farm but didn’t find it. I saw the ‘page’ Blue host provides for the Addon domain. Yeah, I go off on tangents from time to time. There’s Alpaca and Lama farms all over this area (Virginia).