• More of some consultation needed here really.

    I’m working on a plugin that will track unique IP’s that visit a site and track when and if those IP’s convert. The first time a user enters the site the plugin records data and creates a record in the posts database table, however it also records some data in the post_meta table, it adds 4 records to the post_meta table. If a conversion occurs it adds an additional 4 records to the post_meta table.

    My concern is that after a while this is going to bloat those two tables in the database and cause problems for wordpress. Should I be using those tables or should my plugin generate it’s own tables and record data there?

    Either way, how should i keep the database size as small as possible, I worry about sites that might get thousands of hits a day. I’m worried the database size would skyrocket out of control. What is the best way to manage size? My clients want the data, they don’t want it to auto delete. Though I think maybe after 60 days or something it should auto delete.

    Any advice or ideas?


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