• Resolved Nikelaos



    Great Plugin! Got some difficulties to think “logic” ;-), but now it works. Thank you for that contribution!

    I run it as a plugin which is activated on the main site of a multisite network. Can I also activate it for the whole network?

    What I miss: In the list of “Synchronized Role” the entry “Logged-in Users”.


    Edit (thought it works, but it does’nt :-/)
    So, may be my logic doesn’t fit’s the plugin ones. I can’t attach a screenshot, so I’ve to describe it:
    Conditional Logic|Restrictions: BuddyPress Profiles|All Sections OR Pages|Page1-page2-page3
    Synchronized Role: Not logged-inn
    Action: Redirect
    Page: my no-acces-page

    So, if I got to https://mynet.any/page_1 or https://mynet.any/ as a not-logged in user, I can see page 1 (which is the BuddyPress members directory). But this is not what I want: Users who are not logged in shouldn’t have access to Buddypress and the pages selected. That’s my need!

    What’s wrong with my logic? ??

    It would be helpfull to me, if I can set in Options “Access: Grant/Deny” (if the conditions-term fits)

    Thanks again!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Nikelaos.
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  • Thread Starter Nikelaos


    So, can’t edit the post again…

    Think I’ve got it know – I get extremely confused. Now I realized, that same of my users hadn’t any role. So I think it will work now. On the other hand I get irritation about users, who have more than one role. My own roles aren’t organized hierarchical. It’s a complex thing about that stuff…

    At least, still missing “Logged-in users” in the list of synchronized roles. Although, every logged-in user has the subscriber-role at minimum and the WP-standard-roles are hierarchical, so I use this.

    Thanks! (and forgot about my mess… :-/)

    Plugin Author Joachim Jensen


    Thank you for the kind words, and I do agree that an official documentation would be very helpful in understanding the conditions/restrictions.

    What I miss: In the list of “Synchronized Role” the entry “Logged-in Users”.

    Yes, that definitely makes sense and I hope to include this in the next version. Remember though, that by default admins will always have access to all content.

    What’s wrong with my logic?

    In case you’re still having trouble with the restrictions, a thing to remember about Access Levels is that the conditions you select will be accessible ONLY to the users with that level. So if you synchronize with logged-out users, only logged-out users (and admins) will be able to access those pages.

    Let me know if this helps!

    Thread Starter Nikelaos


    Thank you for your kind and helpful reply, Joachim!

    I’m looking forward to the next version and want to suggest, that the plugin-user can select more than one synchronized role, so that non-hierarchical roles can be processed, which might be helpful for WPs with an own concept of capability management.

    An open question is what’s about activating the plugin in the network…

    Thank you for that great plugin!

    Plugin Author Joachim Jensen


    Synchronizing more than one role is an interesting idea. I have long thought about revamping synchronization, so that users instead can “import” groups of users into a level. This could then also be extended to BuddyPress groups.

    Sorry for overlooking the question about networks. In general, the plugin should work just fine on network installations, but if you mean that you want to create access levels that work across sites in a network, the plugin does currently not support that. It might be hard to achieve as all sites in a network use different databases, and therefore capabilities, users, and content can vary a lot. But it would be a powerful feature for sure.

    I know there are some plugins that make it possible to “sync” content between network sites, but I have not tested Restrict User Access with them.

    Thread Starter Nikelaos


    Thank you for these profounding answers! Great plugin, and your plan to realize integration of BuddyPress groups as well as role plurarity is really great, exciting! I’m looking forward to the next versions!

    “Life long and prosper!” ??

    Thread Starter Nikelaos


    So, puh, still have a problem, hope you can help:
    I add a new level, in the restrictions I choose “Buddypress Profile” in sections “Buddydrive” and synchronize this with the Admin-Role – so I want only Admins be able to use Buddydrive.

    I log-in as a non-Admin – and can access Buddydrive. I log in as Admin – and can access Buddydrive. Why that?

    Plugin Author Joachim Jensen


    Is the Buddydrive section created by another plugin?
    Does it work if you restrict all sections of BuddyPress profiles? (in the conditions, just keep the input field empty)

    Thread Starter Nikelaos


    a) Yes, from the BuddyDrive-Plugin. I’ve tried another Plugin, Buddypress Docs, same behaviour
    b) When I restrict all sections of BuddyPress profiles, the sections are still accessable.

    Thinking… I have another access level, which allows all BuddyPress-Sections to subscribers (a). I have a own group xyz, which shall not have the right to access a buddypress section(b) and this group is not hierarchical organized to subscribers. So may be level(a) overwrites level(b), so a member of xyz can access cause he’s also a subscriber. Think I got that…

    So, shall I work with the “extend”-option?

    Plugin Author Joachim Jensen


    I will have to test with those plugins to see if there are any incompatibilities. It’s these ones, correct:

    If you want someone NOT to be able to see content, in general they shouldn’t have an Access Level at all. When you restrict content with an Access Level, only members of that level (or any level that extend it), are able to see that content (and all other unrestricted content).

    Administrators will have access to all content no matter what, so you can’t lock yourself out ??

    Thread Starter Nikelaos


    Thank you for the Update, now I can use “Logged-in Users”. I’m happy… ??

    Yes, this are the plugins I worked with.

    And well, I’ve to check my conditions in deep. Still think, that two restrictions are not compatible, so they anull each other. I’ll check that in the next time…

    That’s really fine, that I can’t lock-out me myself! Thank you ??

    Right now checked

    So, these are my conditions:
    Cond. A-Restrictions:
    Pages: -page-x, page-y, page-z OR BuddyPress Profiles: All sections OR bbPress User Profiles: All sections | DO NOT EXTEND; Synchronized Role: Logged-in

    With this access-condition I want to be sure that no not logged-in user have acces to any profiles.

    Cond. B-Restrictions:
    Docs: Docs/Doc Archives | DO NOT EXTEND; Synchronized Role: Role A

    With this access-condition I want to restrict access to BuddyPress Docs only to users which are assigned to “Role A”.

    Well, may be that won’t work, cause of “Docs/Doc Archive” … Checking … Yes, that’s right: non “Role A”-users can’t access the archive, but have access to docs within their profile. Well, so the developers of Buddypress docs may insert a section “Doc Management” … or is there a way for you, to hide Buddypress … just a moment … OK, I can modify Cond. B:

    Docs: Docs/Doc Archives OR BuddyPress: Docs | DO NOT EXTEND; Synchronized Role: Role A

    Well, looks good to me but doesn’t work: Non-Role A-user can access docs in buddypress profile.

    So, what have I to do to manage this? Logic is a funny thing… ;-/

    And: In the “Conditional Logic” I find: “Content that meets the following conditions will only be accessible by this level or higher:”
    OK. What I can’t see: How is the “level” defined? How can I set, for example, that Cond. B is “higher” than Cond. A (and, otf, what ever that means… :-/)? To explain: in setting the rules of site-access I don’t think in “levels”, I think in “bubbles” or “flower bouquets”: Role A have access to entity 1,2,3, Role B to 2,4,7,9, and so on… and “role A” isn’t higher or lower than “role B”, my users shall be heterarchical organized, not hierarchical… (rules as well…)

    May be that’s the reason why I struggle around with your awesome plugin…

    Thanks again for your support for a logical dummy ;-)!

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Nikelaos. Reason: Just checked
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