What features have you enabled in aiowps plugin?
Login Lockdown (one that blocks IP after number of failed logins)
Login Captcha
What role is assigned to WP users in your site?
What membership plugin are you using in your site?
Custom Role plugin related from S2member (s2member level 1, s2member level2 etc)
What are you trying to achieve by allowing your members to login using wp-login.php while they are logged in as members?
I’d like to avoid confusing our users as after login they should see membership page content and not wordpress profile. Additionally I’d like users to be able to log in to different account even when they’re already logged in as it is in default wordpress behaviour.
Let me explain why is it confusing for the membership page users:
1: User gets his membership email with password and link go /wp-login.php
2: When user Loggs in for the first time everything works as intended cause he gets redirected to membership content thanks to how s2member (or any membership plugin) handles it.
3: User closes the browser/tab, does something else.
4: After a while User would like to come back to membership page but has forgotten the URL so he thinks about logging in again and goes to his email – clicks login page again so /wp-login.php. This is where the problem starts.
5: User has no idea what is going on cause instead of login he sees his profile page (cause browser remembered his login session) – there are no links on profile page that lead to membership content, user doesn’t understand why was he redirected to the wordpress profile page and contacts support claiming his membership doesn’t work and he can’t log in to access membership page content
That is why I’d like even logged in users to be able to see /wp-login.php page even if they’re already logged in as is in default wordpress. Otherwise vast majority of users won’t understand meaning of their profile page viewed to them when they’re already logged in.
I’d like our website to be intuitive – also for people who don’t use computers too often and will easily get confused when they try to access their membership content.
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by