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  • Plugin Contributor pwtyler


    Hi there,

    The logged in/logged out issue with the “HTML output” seems to have been a problem with this plugin since its inception, and the fix is not as simple as I might have hoped. I recommend using ID output with either of the following code snippets—

    $tablepress_id = get_field( 'your_field_here' );
     echo do_shortcode( '[table id="'.$tablepress_id.'"]' );


    $tablepress_id = get_field( 'your_field_here' );
    $args = array(
      'id' => $tablepress_id,
    if ( function_exists( 'tablepress_print_table' ) ) {
      tablepress_print_table( $args );

    We have an update pending to be pushed that will remove HTML output as an option, as finding a stable fix is a bit beyond my scope/schedule at the moment when we have a stable solution with the ID output. There are a couple of other bugs/updates that need to be tweaked before the plugin is ready for the repo, so it may yet be a couple of weeks before you see an update in the dashboard.

    If you have any other questions/issues, you can follow up here, or at [email protected]


    Thread Starter myasinveici


    Hello dear
    I don’t know where this code and which file should be put
    Your reply thank you

    $tablepress_id = get_field( ‘your_field_here’ );
    echo do_shortcode( ‘[table id=”‘.$tablepress_id.'”]’ );
    $tablepress_id = get_field( ‘your_field_here’ );
    $args = array(
    ‘id’ => $tablepress_id,
    if ( function_exists( ‘tablepress_print_table’ ) ) {
    tablepress_print_table( $args );

    Plugin Contributor pwtyler


    The code examples can be added to your theme’s template file. You can see an example using a child theme of 2015 and a quick walkthrough in our website docs here.


    Thread Starter myasinveici


    By the way did not solve my problem you proposed
    Please update or plugin, or to publish a comprehensive video training

    Plugin Author TylerDigital


    Well, it seems I spoke too soon regarding how unfixable this problem might be… version 1.3.2 is on the repo and should fix the display issue with “HTML Output” after all. You should see an update available in your dashboard.


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