Thank you for using our plugin @uriahs-victor
I am sorry to read about your issue. The retention settings definitely work in a vanilla install, so there should be something that is hindering the process.
Let’s start with some basic troubhleshooting:
- What version of WordPress, PHP and the plugin are you running?
- When you click Purge data or trigger the cron job manually, do you get any error in the logs?
- Can you enable WordPress debug and reproduce the issue? Once ready, check if there is something in the debug.log (in the /wp-content/) directory.
- How are you manually triggering the Cron job? Are you using a plugin? If yes, is there any status reported once you trigger it? As in, does it stop immediately, or it keeps running?
- Considering you have 17K events, it might take a bit until the logs are cleared. Can you check if that number is at least decreasing when you run the job?
- Last but not least, do you have a staging website? If you do, can you reproduce the problem? If the problem can be reproduced, did you try deactivating all the plugins except from WP Activity Log so you can confirm if you can still reproduce the problem?
The more information you can give us to better understand the context the quicker we can solve this issue.
Looking forward to hearing from you.