• smithtechclass


    I can no longer log into WordPress to moderate, mangage, or edit. I am receiving this message:

    Status : 502 Bad Gateway

    Description : Mal-formed reply from origin server.

    Note : If necessary, please contact your Systems Administrator for resolution.

    Any suggestions?

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  • moshu


    The only suggestion is to follow the instructions you see:
    Note : If necessary, please contact your Systems Administrator for resolution.

    EDIT. Oh, you are on edublogs… we do NOT provide support for that site.



    I cannot remember my username & password (been a while) — system seems to want both username AND email address to send password. Suggestion: add option to get passsword with either username or email address. Thanks.



    burkefranklin: this forum is not associated with edublogs in any way shape or form. You need to submit your suggestion to edublogs.



    Is there a compatbility problem with edublogs and wordpress? We are also on edublogs and have been resetting our login password. When we go to login through our edublog then it directs us to wordpress login. We can login into support at wordpress but not to edit the blog. Any suggestions and help would be great.



    Edublogs runs some variant of WordPress. MU, I believe? But you want to visit with them for support. We support self-hosted installations of WordPress.

    https://edublogs.org/forums/ is, I believe, their forums link.

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