Yeah, I think I will go with the option rather than disabling logging completely.
And yes, it seems loading parts of the tree will be necessary. It is simpler to implement loading the whole tree – that is how it made sense ??
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Should not be possible. Have you tried “test” button on the cwebp converter (in settings). It might reveal what is working and what is not
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If you use a new version of Imagick, it is fine. The newest version of ImageMagick supports all the important options. In WebP Express 0.21.0, which was just released, the log tells you if an option requires a newer version of ImageMagick API. Again, go to settings and click “test” in the Imagick converter. Speed-wise, Imagick is only marginally slower than cwebp and vips. The log tells you the time it took to convert a file.
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Try examining if there is a corresponding log file for some images that was not converted. Conversion might have failed for some reason. I’m guessing you are you are using the “Enable redirection to converter?” feature for converting? And you are aware that it only triggers conversion for images that are requested. And with that many images, it is actually neat that only the thumbnails and images that are actually used, which is converted. So the reason you do not want to run Bulk Convert is that it converts everything, filling up your server with conversions that will never be requested. Yes, the File Manager will be just what you need. However, not until the next release, as the current (pre-)release only allows you to browse images/conversions.