• Resolved neotechnomad


    Today I am getting this error:
    “SUCURI: Log file not found.; this generally happens when you use an invalid API key, or when the connection with the API service suddently closes.”

    Every installation of the plugin on four different sites on three different servers on three different hosts. API key is valid. All files are present in wp-content > uploads > sucuri.

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  • agreenstreet


    Hi There,

    I am receiving the same error as @neotechnomad on all my sites, three installations.

    Tried uninstalling the plugin and manually deleting all /wp-content/sucuri/… files to clean house. The log file is recreated and locally stores the entries but is unable to send the log file to Sucuri due to a missing API key.

    Missing API Key Issue:
    General Settings Tab > API Key > Recover via E-mail

    On attempting to recover the API key via e-mail, the plugin attempts, refreshes the screen and logs a “API key recovery (failure)”.

    API Service Communication Tab > API Service Communication shows green (enabled) to https://wordpress.sucuri.net/api/

    Generating an API key fails as well giving the error “SUCURI: Unable to store event (dir error).”

    So you cannot recover or generate a new API key for the plugin to send the local log files to the Sucuri server.

    Help please.




    OK I figured out how to reapply the API key copying and pasting via manual activation from Sucuri’s firewall settings, my mistake.

    However on successful application of the API key linking to Sucuri’s firewall the Sucuri Plugin immediately gives the error message that started this thread.

    “SUCURI: Log file not found.; this generally happens when you use an invalid API key, or when the connection with the API service suddently closes.”

    The local log files were deleted (see previous post) after the plugin was uninstalled. Upon reinstallation of the plugin and recreation of the log file, plus activation of the API allowing the sending of local to server log files, the error occurs.


    Thread Starter neotechnomad


    This seems to have resolved itself without any explanation.

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