Thank you for help. After installing the update to the theme, only the following warning generated by jQwery remained:
jQuery.fn.load () is deprecated
Theme: Lodestar
* File portfolio-page.js
* JavaScript specific to the portfolio-page.php template.
* Loads Isotope, handles sorting and triggers lazy-loading for images
( function( $ ) {
// Define porfolio project wrapper
$grid = $( ‘.portfolio-wrapper’ );
$( window ).load( function() {
// Determine text direction
var $ltr = true;
if ( $(‘html’ ).attr( ‘dir’ ) == ‘rtl’) {
$ltr = false;
// Initialize Isotope
$grid.isotope( {
itemSelector: ‘.jetpack-portfolio’,
layoutMode: ‘fitRows’,
animationEngine: ‘best-available’,
originLeft: $ltr,
columnWidth: $grid.width() / 2,
resize: false
} );
} );
// Portfolio Project filtering
$( ‘.project-terms a’ ).click( function( e ) {
// Remove ‘current-type’ class from previously highlighted link
$( ‘.project-terms a.current-type’ ).removeClass( ‘current-type’ );
// Add to link that was clicked
$( this ).addClass( ‘current-type’ );
// If the ‘All’ link was clicked, show all
if ( $( this ).hasClass( ‘types-all’ ) ) {
$grid.isotope( { filter: ‘*’ } );
// Otherwise, sort based on data attribute
} else {
// Returns format gettypeid-#### – we just want the numbers, so we split them off the end
var $get_typeid = $(this).attr( ‘data-get-typeid’ ).split(‘-‘)[1];
// Filter projects by class
$grid.isotope( { filter: ‘.typeid-‘ + $get_typeid } );
// Make sure all the lazy loaded images are visible when filtering
$( ‘.portfolio-featured-image’ ).trigger( ‘appear’ );
} );
// Lazy load project images
$(function() {
$( ‘.portfolio-featured-image’ ).lazyload( {
effect: ‘fadeIn’,
threshold: 200,
} );
} );
} )( jQuery );