I think the best thing to do is get the renamed better-wp-security folder back. And to prevent being locked out again we’ll probably need to clear all records from the wp_itsec_% tables first.
Ultimately we want to be able to Deactivate and Delete the plugin from the WP Dashboard Plugins->Installed Plugins menu option. This ensures everything related to the iTSec plugin is undone.
So let’s start with truncating the 3 wp_itsec_% tables using phpMyAdmin.
– Click on the wp_itsec_lockouts table in the left pane of phpMyAdmin.
– In the right pane click on the Operations tab (More -> Operations).
– Scroll down a bit and click on the red Empty the table (TRUNCATE) link. Confirm when asked.
– Repeat the previous steps for the tables wp_itsec_log and wp_itsec_temp.
– Now log into WP Dashboard.
– Rename the iTSec plugin folder back to better-wp-security.
(Hopefully truncating the 3 iTSec plugin tables will prevent you from getting locked out again).
– Now goto the Plugins->Installed Plugins menu option.
– If still active Deactivate the iTSec plugin and then click on the plugin Delete link.