• htmanning


    What do I do if I’m locked out of my own blog? I can’t find a way to override it. Even renaming the limit-login-attempts plugin folder doesn’t help. I’ve checked my .htaccess files and cannot find a reference blocking my own IP. Any ideas? I think my blog was hacked and my password was changed.

    I have SSH, FTP, and access to the database, but I can’t login via the web.



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  • Delete the limit_login_lockouts entry from wp_options table.

    I installed this plugin and then logged out to make sure it worked okay. after attempting to log back in I gat a message that said “Not Allowed”

    I ended up going in to the server through FTP and changing the name of this plugin folder to disable it. ack.

    We use this plugin on a work site and just had something weird happen. One of us was logging in and got locked out, even though she logged in only once and our limit is set at four. Two of us were working on the site and got logged off. We were all told that we would have to wait an hour to log in and I finally just deleted the plugin to give us access. I will reinstall it now in case we are being hacked, but this has not happened before, and it raises some questions. Why would it lock out all of us as opposed to just the hacker?

    As noted by someone else, I did have to delete the limit login logouts information from the wp_options table. Otherwise, reinstalling the plugin just got me locked out again immediately, and I had to remove the plugin from the plugins folder through FTP again to log back in. So I removed all the limit login attempts info from the table. I reinstalled the plugin and updated the settings, and it appears to be working. However, I am concerned, and we will test this more at a time when our clients aren’t logging into our website.

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