Funny enough, I actually OWN a hosting company and tested it on a handful of my servers with no problems. There is no possible way to make sure it works on all servers, and you saying that clearly shows your lack of experience and knowledge in this situation.
“Fix the problems your plugin causes” … my plugin makes no changes to any of the core files, or any database changes (other than adding WP options) … so if you’re paying someone to remove/rename a directory from your site (which is all that is required to disable a plugin) then you have other larger issues than just a plugin not working.
You seem to have no respect or appreciation of any of the work devs like myself put into creating our plugins. You should be appreciative for the fact that you can build your site without knowing any PHP code because of people like me. Where do you think WordPress came from?
This entire plugin is open source and available on GitHub to track issues or for others to contribute. I don’t see you opening any issues or submitting any contributions, so really you just bash plugins if they don’t work in your specific instance (as is clearly visible from all your ratings under your profile, which happen to be 1 star).
As a user of a plugin the one way to contribute is to report issues, but instead of clicking on “Support” you decide to click on “Review” just to vent because you had a problem…
Every software has bugs, it doesn’t matter if it’s Microsoft, or a free plugin. The feedback from users is how these things get fixed, there is no such thing as a bug free software/plugin.