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  • Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    This is a bug that should already be resolved in the next release.

    Thread Starter checmark


    This was three months ago so any progress?

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    I released the next release quite a while ago; this should be resolved. If it’s not, please provide details about how you’re adding events.

    Thread Starter checmark


    Sorry. Somehow I missed any updates. I’m adding events the same way I always have. It appears to have stopped adding the location every time I add an event but it would be nice to be able to just get rid of all the duplicates. I assume I can just delete them?

    Also, I have a location that does have tickets for some events. Usually different for advance and at the door. I would like to show this but they don’t have anything yet to pay for them so I don’t like that it shows “buy tickets” at the bottom of the page. Is there any way to avoid this or just not use the tickets fields?

    Appreciate your help.

    Plugin Author Joe Dolson


    There’s a tool for removing duplicates; it’s documented in the Screen Options on the Locations page. That’s a better way of removing duplicates, because it updates any events that have the removed duplicates to set their location to the version you retain.

    The tickets link doesn’t have any awareness of whether or not tickets are currently available for sale; it’s just a generic link to how that venue handles ticketing. You’d probably be better off adding ticket sales links in events at the location, when those events have sales available, given what you describe.

    Thread Starter checmark


    I didn’t know where to start another topic, but I just wanted to add that I built a website for our local Legion branch, and it’s a registered charity. It would be good if there was a single site license for the Pro version.

    Thread Starter checmark


    I followed your instructions for deleting all the duplicates and it appeared to work, merging all the locations into one, which I then set as the default, but one additional location remained so I deleted it, but it’s still there.

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