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  • Thank you for your quick answer, Mariusz!

    I assume that in your map every different icon is related to a location category. Is this true? But, the important question is: can you filter what you show in the map, ie, which category or categories? This is the key for me, as I would have two kind of locations (shops and events places) and I would like to show a different map for every category.

    Thank you again!

    Thread Starter Mariusz Szatkowski


    Sure: have a look:

    These are russian kid shops only placed in Gdańsk.

    Wow, @mariusz, that’s great!

    Could you lend me a hand on how doing this? In fact, my case is quite simple. I just need to call the [locations_map] shortcode with a loc-category attribute, as @rplakas suggested. No need to search or anything else. Just place the shortcode in a page.

    Any suggestion? Thank you very much!

    Btw, I already created the taxonomy with the plugin you mentioned, so this step is already done. ??

    Thread Starter Mariusz Szatkowski


    I needed the same.
    A friend of mine made a plugin to do this without hardcoding the core plugin (I can update it ?? ).

    It took him 4 days to make the plugin work and I paid $120 for that.
    I can resell it if you want.

    I just call the shortcode inside the post or in php like:

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[locations_map_alt width=”315″ height=”365″ taxonomy=”loc-category” terms=”‘.$term->slug.'”]’);?>

    So you can have a map eg. all pubs in Berlin..
    It’s that what I wanted ??

    Thread Starter Mariusz Szatkowski


    I use the taxonomy as well as you can see ??

    Thank you for answering again, @mariusz. I do understand your point, but unfortunately I am helping a nonprofit with its website and I can’t afford it by myself. I will ask them if they could. Just in case, how much would it be? Thank you!

    Thread Starter Mariusz Szatkowski


    @jalbaiges – it’s customized – I can set the icon for the location’s category – so it’s perfect for me. I have no idea if it will fulfill your needs..

    Let’s set it at $80 but I don’t want you to redistribute it futher.

    Ok, Mariusz, thank you very much. I will ask them and eventually will contact you through your website. Bye!

    Just in case anyone is interested in, I found a simple solution for my issue. In fact, I could thought about it before because it is quite obvious, but you know, sometimes you have some obsession with one path and don’t pay atention to alternatives.

    Well, in my case, I wanted to build a store map plus an event calendar. The problem was that when I used the [locations_map] shortcode, all the locations were shown, both stores and event places. As you might already know if you read the whole thread, I tried to create location categories, etc. Finally, I changed my sight and decided to create two event categories (“store” and “event” itself) and then create an event for every store (called both the same way), so now I can use the [locations_map] shortcode with the (events) “category” attribute that allows me to filter the events that “are” stores. I also use the “scope” attribute with “all” value, as stores are “permanent events”. In the other hand I can also use the (events) “category” attribute in order to filter what are real events and show them in the calendar. I know this is a little bit dirty, as I am forced to create those pseudo-events, but my stores list is not really long and will not change so often, then it’s ok for me.

    Thank you Marcus for creating the plugin and all the rest who help in the forums.

    I am trying to set up categories for the locations and I must say that I would be more than happy to have it as a part of the EM plugin.

    Mariusz – nice job!

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    it’ll likely not happen (or at least anytime soon), but it’s now very easy to add taxonomies and query them in shortcodes etc.:

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