Hey there!
Yes, that’s possible – if you are willing (and able) to add some code to your theme.
1. Add a shortcode for each user you want to display:
[whereabouts user="PLACE_USER_ID_HERE" link_location="0" time_format="D, h:ia" show_tz="0"]
Notice that I added the time format you described above to the time_format attribute of the shortcode.
2. To change the output to the format you like to see, add this code to the functions.php file in your theme folder:
add_filter( 'whab_widget_output', 'my_function_to_change_whereabouts_output', 10, 3 );
function my_function_to_change_whereabouts_output( $output, $args, $location ) {
$user = get_user_by( 'id', $args['user'] );
$output = $user->display_name . ' - ';
$output .= $location['location_name'] . ' - ';
$output .= date( $args['time_format'], time() + $location['utc_difference'] );
return $output;
Be aware that this changes the output everywhere (for all widgets and shortcodes).