I’m checking the link that you sent and I tried clicking a random event link (https://jmedia.online/events/the-power-of-change-lunchtime-lecture-series-with-david-solomon-2020-09-02/) The event information is showing like: Event Dates/Time and categories.
Some information like Description might not show if you haven’t filled those out or haven’t added the placeholders for it.
You can check the template file for displaying the events on front-end under Event > Settings > Formatting > Single event page format.
Our list of placeholders can be found here: https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/placeholders/
As for location, Please make sure that you have properly filled out the API needed for Google Maps. Here’s our documentation for Google Maps: https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/google-maps/
Google Maps also recently requires users to add a Billing Information on each account, Please make sure to add a Billing information.