Hi Magellan456, unfortunately I overlooked localization of the days/hours etc – I plan on addressing that on the next release, however in the meantime you change it fairly easily yourself if you wish. You’ll have to go into a file editor from your host and go into the \wp-config\plugins\easy-pie-coming-soon\mini-themes\base-responsive\js directory.
In there is a file called custom.js If you open it you’ll see the following text which includes all the days, hrs, min, etc in it:
[ Moderator note: Code fixed, please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]
$('#countdown').countdown(clockEndDate, function(event) {
var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(''
+ '<div id="countdown-days" >%D <span>Days</span></div> '
+ '<div id="countdown-hours" >%H <span>Hrs</span></div> '
+ '<div id="countdown-minutes" >%M <span>Min</span></div> '
+ '<div id="countdown-seconds" >%S <span>Sec</span></div> '));
Just change the text between the span tags to French then save and that should work for you. If you go this route please be sure to change it again after you update the plugin in the future because on the next upgrade that file will be wiped out and a ‘fresh’ one will be put in there.