Thanks a lot for your answers! ?? Here are my comments. ^^
If you are using any caching plugin, that might have cached the US version of the page, stopping localisation working.
I checked. It doesn’t look like there’s any caching plugin on the website.
If a product is not available in the local of the user then it will show the default country version of the product.
These are products available globally. (Books).
Double check on the settings page that localisation is enabled ‘Localise Amazon Link’ setting is checked.
It is checked.
Check that all locales are enabled under the ‘Enabled Countries’ setting.
Do I need to check all of them or only the relevant ones?
When you install the ip2nation database do you get the message ip2nation install: Database downloaded and installed successfully. 63649 queries executed.
I do not get the message but it says:
Your ip2nation database is up to date. (It was last updated on Sun, 25 Nov 2018 10:51:54, the latest version available is dated: Thu, 26 Jul 2018 19:58:54).
Try installing the ‘spoof locale’ extras plugin and then adding ?spoof_locale=uk to the end of the site URL. e.g.
Does it risk to impact SEO?