Thanks for your message.
Translation should be possible, though you should note that block translation is slightly more complex as after translation you need to generate a JSON file from your translation that will be loaded in the editor.
I understand that you wish to translate the Heroic Glossary plugin in German, so to help you get started, I have attached the ht-glossary-de_DE.po and ht-glossary-de_DE-htgb-block-js.json file here. You can download these files from here – https://we.tl/t-L2c14J0y6i and add them in the /wp-content/plugins/heroic-glossary/languages folder of your site.
After that, please edit the page consisting of the Heroic Glossary block and you’ll get an option to translate the block in German.
We also package the?French translation?as an example / reference point for you to get started.
Further reading can be found in the?Internationalization section of the handbook?and you can review the?community translations for this plugin here?that may be of help.
Please be aware that translations are not my area of expertise. The PO files have been created by the WordPress German Community, so I recommend reviewing the translations yourself. However, I hope the notes provided above will assist you in finding a solution that works for you.
I hope this helps, but please do let me know if you require further assistance.
Thanks and Kind Regards,