As you know that the site your built locally “works”, that is, all the themes, plugins, media etc. are where they should be, the version numbers “match”, why take a chance with what shape the existing site is in; just replace it, and here is what I would do:
On the “existing WP site”
– move the contents of the current site to a new sub-folder for “safe keeping”
– upload the complete contents of the local site to where those files were
– create a new, empty database and import the export of the local site into it
– edit the siteurl and home fields in the wp_options table with the live site’s URL
– edit the wp_config.php file that has been uploaded to the live site with the new database connection credentials
– log into the now “new” live site and install and run this plugin to update the URLs:
– upload and run this script to update any URLs that are stored in the DB as serialized strings (which the above plugin doesn’t handle):
– go to Settings > Permalinks and just re-save
Done! … have done this often and takes about 5 minutes ??