• Hi,
    i am using webp since some weeks and i love it.
    On my blog, i have a lot of pictures on my space.
    With webp – i saved a lot of traffic (great for mobile ranking) and increas files to transfer.

    I activated the option to display the chrome icon on my media libary.
    This causes after some week this issue:

    With about 950 Images, wich all have been optimized and generated webp Images, the opening of my media libary takes toooo much time. It take so much time, that my chrome browser asked me to close a not responding website!

    To resolved that – i just switched of the option to display the icon in converted media files. I think it take to much time to check each single file for an converted media file.

    Maybe this could be improved sometime ?? But i am sure – all my files will be converted ??

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