If a redirect script runs on a hook prior to content generation, wouldn’t wordpress, by default, skip further processing?
It seems like it would be a huge waste to continue after a redirect has been encountered.
The original question was running before anything had loaded but it was clarified to mean before any CONTENT had loaded. By definition a redirect has to be sent prior to any other headers/content.
Something as simple as:
// Array of subs for no redirect
// $subs = array (‘list’, ‘of’ , ‘no-redirect’, ‘subdomains’);
// Get url subdomain
// $sub = array_shift(explode(“.”,$_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’]));
// $location = ‘redirect.to.this.url’;
// If subdomain is not in array -> Redirect
// if (!in_array($sub, $subs) { wp_redirect( $location, $status ); exit(); }
hooked into init should do it.
// add_action(‘init’,’function_from_above’,1);
Just add something like that to wherever you have your custom scripts(well, actually program it first, but that’s the meat of it). I have a plugin skeleton I use for simple edits that don’t belong in my custom child theme.