Hi there,
There are two solutions here, you can either exclude individual posts or post-types.
To exclude individual posts from your recommendations, just untick the box called Import post to Bibblio in the lower right-hand corner of the Edit Post page.
If you have a few posts you want to exclude from being recommended, you can use our “Bulk Edit” option. In your WordPress admin, go to Posts > Bulk Actions > Edit, select the posts you want to exclude and click Apply. In the panel that appears, select No from the “Import to Bibblio” dropdown.
When installing the plugin, you can indicate which post types to ingest. Simply unselect any types that you do not want to include in your recommendations.
You can’t currently choose to display posts by category using our plugin. It’s worth noting that since our recommender engine finds the most relevant posts for a piece of content, it is likely the recommendations will come from the same category anyway.
Many thanks,
The Bibblio Team