Loading Images over https
Seeing as WordPress is pushing us with 4.4 to go on https just to get wordpress itself to load images I have been testing an older 4.3 blog and have noticed that when it goes on https it can’t load the images for this plugin from amazon.
I use the wordpress https plugin that changes all the links inside the page to https and gives my site the green lock for security. As a result when the plugin tries to load somehting off amazon the link to the image is changed to this: src=”//ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/XXXX_.jpg” and it doesn’t show up anymore. It’s missing either the http or the https from the link. Is there a way to load the images locally in a cache before displaying them? So that they get a local address?
Is there any way to fix this or do I need to play around with https some more?
Also just noticed, all the outbound links seem to be ok, it’s just the images that don’t load anymore.
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