load_plugin_textdomain driving me insane!
add_action('init', 'kfuk_widgets_load_translations'); function kfuk_widgets_load_translations() { load_plugin_textdomain('kfukwidgets', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/languages/'); } class kfuk_gift_widget extends \WP_Widget { function __construct() { // snip:d for brevity } function widget($args, $instance) { // output __("this is a test", "kfukwidgets"); } function update($new_instance, $old_instance) { // snip:d for brevity } function form($instance) { // snip:d for brevity } }
I have created a kfukwidgets-default.pot file, with POEdit, I then duplicated it, renamed it to kfukwidgets-sv_SE.po, I then translated the string in POEdit, which I then saved and it generated a kfukwidgets-sv_SE.mo file.
But the translation won’t work even if get_locale() reports the very same locale I have defined in the file name.
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