• WP Facebook Like 1.5.1

    Using Firebug’s Net Console I decided to test load speeds for WP Facebook Like button for iframe vs. xfbml (Disclaimer: I am not a pro at testing websites.)

    This was complicated by the fact that even having <?php echo wpfblike('layout=button_count&fbsend=true'); ?> in the functions.php and Show send button: Yes in the settings — unless it is set to xfbml the send button won’t show.

    xfbml, Show send button: Yes
    0 Blocking
    0 904ms Waiting
    +904ms 736ms Receiving
    which means that to load it took in total 1640milliseconds or 1.64seconds

    iframe, Show send button: Yes (send button doesn’t display)
    0 1ms Blocking
    +1ms 509ms Waiting
    +510ms 1.05s Receiving
    which means that even though the send button didn’t display it took in total 1.56seconds to load

    So from my tests iframe loads faster but it doesn’t show the send button so if you want the send button, you have to use xfbml which is slower.

    And another test to see the speed without the send button
    iframe, Show send button: no
    0 1ms Blocking
    +1ms 560ms Waiting
    +561ms 811ms Receiving
    which means that the load time was 1372miliseconds or 1.372seconds

    For myself, I’ve decided not to have the send button.

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