• Ok so the function below is specifically for the official Woocommerce points and Rewards plugin from there website. They have provided this as an example to add to a plugin I may be building. I’m not there yet with my wordpress PHP skill and need some help. I want to make this function load after a webpage has succesfully loaded. I’m going to be using a Mailchimp form and have the form on success reroute to a page with information and would like to reward to user points for joining the newsletter. Can someone please show me how to correctly either place this in the page or call it with javascript.

    // Add the action setting
    add_filter( 'wc_points_rewards_action_settings', 'points_rewards_newsletter_action_settings' );
    function points_rewards_newsletter_action_settings( $settings ) {
    	$settings[] = array(
    		'title'    => __( 'Points earned for newsletter signup' ),
    		'desc_tip' => __( 'Enter the amount of points earned when a customer signs up for a newsletter via MailChimp.' ),
    		'id'       => 'wc_points_rewards_mailchimp_newsletter_signup',
    	return $settings;
    // add the event descriptions
    add_filter( 'wc_points_rewards_event_description', 'add_points_rewards_newsletter_action_event_description', 10, 3 );
    function add_points_rewards_newsletter_action_event_description( $event_description, $event_type, $event ) {
    	$points_label = get_option( 'wc_points_rewards_points_label' );
    	// set the description if we know the type
    	switch ( $event_type ) {
    		case 'mailchimp-newsletter-signup': $event_description = sprintf( __( '%s earned for newsletter signup' ), $points_label ); break;
    	return $event_description;
    // perform the event (of course this depends on your particular plugin/action)
    add_action( 'wp_mailchimp_new_newsletter_signup', 'points_rewards_newsletter_signup_action' );
    function points_rewards_newsletter_signup_action( $newsletter_id ) {
    	// can't give points to a user who isn't logged in
    	if ( ! is_user_logged_in() )
    	// get the points configured for this custom action
    	$points = get_option( 'wc_points_rewards_mailchimp_newsletter_signup' );
    	if ( ! empty( $points ) ) {
    		// arbitrary data can be passed in with the points change, this will be persisted to the points event log
    		$data = array( 'newsletter_id' => $newsletter_id );
    		WC_Points_Rewards_Manager::increase_points( get_current_user_id(), $points, 'mailchimp-newsletter-signup', $data );

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • It is two filters and 1 action, all related to Woocommerce, so you don’t need to load it in the page. You just need to load it (activate your plugin) and it will get called when Woo does those things.


    Thread Starter dansperfect


    Well the two filters give an admin option to turn the function on or off while giving user a description of the each setting you create for it. The add_action is what I truly need yes but i have read that page several times and dont understand how to make that function occur on a page loading. I need this specifically to occur when a specific page loads and Woo doing its thing this will never occur as the plugin out the box only comes with registration, purchase, and reviews point earnings nothing to allow me to have occur on a user landing on a page or doing a specific action other then those mentioned.

    Sorry this is why im asking for help as the codex makes no sense to me for what im trying to do.

    This part of the code

    // perform the event (of course this depends on your particular plugin/action)
    add_action( 'wp_mailchimp_new_newsletter_signup', 'points_rewards_newsletter_signup_action' );

    indicates that you are adding to an existing plugin. If it is calling that action during signup, then your function will be called. If there is not an action being called already, you can’t add_action. (Well, you could but it won’t be executed.)
    Search the code of the plugin for do_action, and see what actions are called. Use the one for the point at which your code should execute.

    Thread Starter dansperfect


    I can do that thank you so much

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