Hi @wpcitizen ,
Thank you for your interest in WPVR.
Sure, here’s how you can set up everything:
1. Control WPVR JS Assets loading: You’ll only publish or use the tours on some specific pages, not on your entire site.
So, make sure that the WPVR assets are only loading on the pages with virtual tours.
Here’s the guide for it: https://rextheme.com/docs/wp-vr-control-script-and-style-loading/
2. Control WPVR Video JS Assets: Similar to the previous one, you can control the video JS assets.
If you’re not using any video tours, you can stop it entirely on your site. Otherwise, just load on the pages with video tours.
Here is the guide for it: https://rextheme.com/docs/wpvr-control-video-js-loading-360-video-tour/
3. Highest Image Quality: To Ensure the highest quality of the images, disable the default large image handler of WordPress.
Guide: https://rextheme.com/docs/wp-vr-disable-wordpress-large-image-handler/
Note: The original size images will have a slightly more loading time, but the actual quality of your images and the maximum quality for the tour.
4. Faster Tour Loading on Mobile: Enable this option to ensure faster loading of virtual tours for mobile devices.
Here is the guide: https://rextheme.com/docs/wp-vr-auto-resize-images-mobile-devices/
Let me know if you have any other queries.