• Resolved SFgirl55


    Thanks for the great plugin. On https://artofchange.is/ I’m using it to load 9 additional posts at a time at the bottom of the page. On the first click, only 8 posts are returned but I have to click the button one additional time to get the “done” class.


     echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more post_type="post" meta_key="is_featured" meta_value="no" posts_per_page="9" pause="true" scroll="false" button_label="view more posts"]');

    This sounds like a similar issue to SternsbergerM’s thread started a week ago, but I *think* from reading your comments on that thread the existing functionality is that if the number of posts returned is less than the posts_per_page param, then the done class should be added to the button without an additional click.



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  • Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Hi SFgirl55,
    When I test your site I get 10 posts returned.
    9 posts on the first click and 1 the final click.

    Thread Starter SFgirl55


    Hi dcooney,
    Sorry about that – more content was added since I posted. And you’re right it is working! However, I have another instance of the plugin in the category pages and I’m seeing the same behavior I previously described, for instance: https://artofchange.is/category/freedom/ and the shortcode is:

    echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more post_type="post" category="'.$category.'" posts_per_page="9" offset="9" pause="true" scroll="false" button_label="view more posts"]');
    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Im not getting any results on that category example.

    Thread Starter SFgirl55


    Ok I think I understand – on the initial page load, if there are less posts returned than the query’s posts per page param, the short code will still display a load more button until it is clicked, at which point if there’s nothing to return it gets the “done” class. I just wrapped the shortcode in a conditional checking post count against posts per page. Thanks for your prompt responses and great plugin.

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Hi, No if less posts are returned it should be ‘done’… So there is something up with the plugin on your site.

    Like I said though, your example category has zero posts…
    Can you post your repeater template?

    Thread Starter SFgirl55


    Weird – I see 5 posts on the page I posted previously.
    Here is an archive page where I see 1 post returned (and hopefully you do too): https://artofchange.is/author/darren-walker/

    Repeater Template:

    <span class="ajax-divider"></span>
    <div class="block">
    	<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    						$class = "image-post";
    	} else {
    					$class = 'text-post';
    	} ?>
    	<div class="post <?php echo $class; ?> <?php the_field('primary_category'); ?>">
    		<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>">
    	   	<?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) { ?>
    			<div class="img-holder">
    				<?php the_post_thumbnail('list-thumb'); ?>							</div>
    			<div class="article-detail">
    				<h3><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
    		<?php  } else { ?>
    			<div class="title">
    				<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    			<div class="article-detail">
    		<?php } ?>
    		<div class="byline">
    			<?php $authorbox = get_field('show_author_box');
    				if($authorbox == 'yes'){ ?>
    					<span>POSTED BY</span> <?php the_author_meta('display_name'); ?>
                    <?php } else { ?>																<span>POSTED VIA</span>  <?php the_field('source_attribution'); ?>
    				<?php } ?>| <?php the_time('F j, Y') ?></div>
    				<div class="excerpt">
    					<?php echo get_the_excerpt(); ?>
    				<div class="postedin">—<br>
    					<span>POSTED IN: </span><?php the_category(', '); ?>


    echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more post_type="post" author="'.$author.'" posts_per_page="9" offset="9" pause="true" scroll="false" button_label="view more posts"]');


    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    Yep – the issue is your repeater template.
    As it says on the Repeater Template page in your admin…

    Always open and close your templates with an HTML element. In some rare cases data may not be displayed if not wrapped in HTML.

    You need to wrap your template in a single return element.


    Thread Starter SFgirl55


    Ah ok. So then there’s no way to have a clearing element between every 3 posts…?

    Plugin Author Darren Cooney


    I guess you’re right… can’t believe this hasn’t come up before.

    Im thinking about updating the way data is returned in an upcoming release so hopefully i can remove the restrictions around the container element.

    Thread Starter SFgirl55


    Okay – thanks!

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