• Hello,

    Excellent plugin!

    Client has asked that I load a calendar with one category showing but others available in dropdown. The shortcode as I have it does now load the one cat but the category dropdown also only shows the one cat and switching in dropdown to View All Categories does not make them show or become available in UI.

    Is there a way to do this using EO?

    [eo_fullcalendar headerLeft='prev,next' headerCenter='title' category='csc' headerRight='category, csc, cubcorner, mca' ]

    Thank you!


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  • Plugin Author Stephen Harris


    That’s because category='csc' is ‘whitelisting’ the categories (and events in that categories) to the one specified. Thus the category filter specified in headerRight will only display that category.

    I’m afraid it’s not possible to do what you require.

    Thread Starter nolaflash


    Thank you for the response!

    Thread Starter nolaflash


    I think I’ll try to rig this up by leaving the headerRight list and removing category and add to the template a jQuery call to submit the form with the CSC index selected as long as the selectedIndex is at zero when the page loads.


    Thread Starter nolaflash


    OK, so after a little digging I found this is sufficient but it would be even better if I could latch on to an event from frontend.min.js that signified the calendar had finished rendering.

    Is there an event for that?


    <script type="text/javascript">
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, 500);
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