Hi Enrique,
Thanks for the positive review. We noticed that you are missing the possibility of “choosing the language”, but that’s actually something you should handle with a third party plugin.
Vik Rent Items comes with some built-in functions to translate any content into other languages, for example you can translate the name or the description of a rental item into any other language installed on your WordPress website. You can do this from the page Global – Translations.
The entire multi-language system will work automatically in VikRentItems by applying the proper translations to the front-end section of your website, but you need a plugin that can handle the switch between the various languages, maybe through a simple language switcher drop-down. By choosing a different language than the default one, our plugin will automatically translate its contents into the specified language without you needing to do anything but providing a translation for that language.
Feel free to reach out to our support team from our website should you have any questions. Thank you.
The VikWP Team