• JohnPiantanida


    On a new install of WP 3.1 I did an import from the previous LJ blog I was upgrading. All went well, almost.

    504 posts… that was great. But then on comment import something went wrong. They imported fine… but with MANY duplicates.

    For example, one single post had 10 comments in LJ before import. It now has 1,590 comments in WP. Most duplicates. And that is just one post. Multiply that by 504 posts… there are now over 27,200 comments, almost all are duplicates. Obviously this is beyond a simple edit to delete the extra comments. Is there anyway to fix this? And what went wrong? It seemed to go smoothly and I thought “Cool, it worked” until I saw the comment counts on the posts.

    Any ideas?


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  • Vernon J



    I try importing my livejournal (Vernon-J.livejournal.com) into my https://www.Vernon-J.com site & it hangs up.

    What is your site?
    Who is your hosting agent?

    Thanks, Vernon J.

    [email protected]



    I am also experiencing this problem when importing my LJ content; unfortunately, my LJ has seven years of posts and comments, and I’m ending up with thousands upon thousands of duplicate comments. I simply do not have the time to go through and delete all the duplicates one by one. That’s insane.

    I’ve tried going into my database (I have hosting through GoDaddy) and emptying the comments table, and even though the comments disappear, the link text on my entries still displays “788 comments” or whatever ungodly number it is. But then I end up with no comments on my entry, which defeats the whole purpose of importing comments in the first place, so then I end up just clearing all of the tables and re-importing my entire journal in hopes that maybe it’ll work the next time around. I tried importing using the WP LJ authorization and then uploading the file, but the result was always the same. Myriad duplicate comments.

    I’m going to attempt to reinstall WP on my site and not upgrade to 3.1. If this is just a bug with the new version, I suppose I’ll just have to wait until it gets fixed. I don’t know enough about WP’s programming to really offer any solutions.



    It’s definitely a bug with WP 3.1. I just did a brand new install of 3.0.4 and imported my LJ content, and the comments and posts are exactly as they should be.

    I don’t know this probably isn’t much help, but if it keeps at least one person from losing his mind trying to figure out what’s wrong with his imported comments…

    Vernon J



    Sorry I’m JUST getting back to you.

    I actually upgraded my php version & it worked fine for me.



    Hi Vernon,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I’m running PHP version 5.0.9, but I was still getting those same problems with duplicate comments. As far as I can tell, the problem lies with WP 3.1 (at least for me); my blog’s working fine now on 3.0.

    Posting to say I also have this problem, be it on a personal install on my domain or on the test-clone at WordPress.com. I’ve tried multiple times, to no avail. I’ve had hangs as well as “multiple batches” which import the posts multiples of times. For my part, I’ve been trying to import LiveJournal posts and comments. Seems I’m going to have to go about it another way.

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