Hello Denveri,
I had the same question as you so I wanted to share my solution for you and anyone else that might need it.
Just add the following CSS rules to your theme’s CSS file.
.lsow-posts-carousel .lsow-posts-carousel-item .hentry {
height: 300px
This will change the box height, the actual number may vary for you but 300px worked for me.
.lsow-posts-carousel .lsow-posts-carousel-item .lsow-project-image {
height: 180px;
Since we’ve made all the boxes height the same, the post titles now look weird being at different heights. This will make them all uniformed, again the actual number may vary for you but 180px worked for me.
.lsow-posts-carousel .lsow-posts-carousel-item .lsow-project-image img {
height: 100%
Might as well make all the images the same height as well, this will make the image fill out the entire height we set in the previous CSS rule.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.