• Resolved HACYO25


    Hi there

    I have just added the super WordFence plug-in to 27 of our primary school sites. Unfortunately, eight of them are showing all visitors as having the same ip address and place of origin (some say the Netherlands, some say California) when viewing Live Traffic. Even when I log in ( I live in York UK), I am recorded as the wrong ip and wrong country. They are all on the same host, SiteGround.

    We have also had instances of legitimate users being locked out of the problem sites, I think because some had problems and the next one who tried also had a problem because WordFence thought that they were the same due to the ip address issue.

    I have tried deleting and reinstalling WordFence on one of the problem sites but when I delete it, click yes delete files, download it again and activate it it still has the settings from the previous install in options – obviously, it is not completely being deleted. Is there anyway to get a clean uninstall and reinstall?

    I would be grateful if you could help me to resolve the Live Traffic issue. I would also like to know how to get a clean delete and reinstall.

    Many thanks in anticipation.

    With kind regards



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  • Just a fellow user here, but that sounds like your sites are behind a proxy of some sort. If that sounds right (possibly Cloudflare or the like), there is a setting on the Options page called “How does Wordfence get IPs”. You can mess with that until you start getting the correct IP addresses on those sites.

    Thread Starter HACYO25


    Thanks nosilver4u, I have already tried each of the five different options as to how WordFence gets its IP addresses but no joy. Thanks anyway.

    As an update, I have now found out how to cleanly remove WordFence. You place a tick in the Delete WordFence data and tables on deactivation (right at the bottom of the options page), save the changes and then deactivate and delete the plugin. However, this did not resolve the IP address issue!

    Help would really be appreciated.



    Thread Starter HACYO25


    Hi Problem solved. The DNS record for the sites that had the issue was wrong. The host had moved the sites to a new server and either not told us, or the details had not filtered down.

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