• Hi all

    I have a pretty simple request to ask

    I would like the text under the “round div” is paginated on two lines
    Administration side I set the tag Reviews and works but user side …. no

    how to solve?

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  • Hi,
    The text under round div does break into two lines if it is long enough.
    Can you explain further?

    That’s right: but I would be interested to send him on two lines for aesthetic reasons

    You can see on impresaedilevercelli.it

    It is now so:

    Devi ristrutturare la tua casa? Scopri le nostre offerte
    Leggi ?

    My idea:

    Devi ristrutturare la tua casa?
    Scopri le nostre offerte
    Leggi ?

    You want html entities( <br> for line break) in your featured page text.
    Look at this snippet.

    is what I do: work administration side but NOT the user side!

    Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by work administration side but not user side.
    Did you use <br> in the featured page text?
    Can you show screenshots of what you have done?

    My website:

    Home page example:
    Servizi Web
    Ottimizzazione SEO Assistenza WordPress



    Add this code from the snippet mentioned above to your child theme’s functions.php

    $hook_prefix = 'tc_fp_';
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'rich_featured_pages_text', 50);
    function rich_featured_pages_text(){
        global $hook_prefix;
        $hook_prefix = ( class_exists('TC_fpu') && version_compare( TC_fpu::$instance->plug_version, '1.4', '>') ) ? 'fpc_' : $hook_prefix;
        // Increase the default text length
        add_filter($hook_prefix.'text_length', 'my_fp_text_length');
        function my_fp_text_length(){
            return 9999; /* 9999 means ~ infinite */ 
        // Allow html entities
        add_filter($hook_prefix.'text_sanitize', 'no_sanitize_text', 20, 3);
        function no_sanitize_text($text, $fp_single_id, $fp_id){
            global $hook_prefix;
            $option_prefix = ( $hook_prefix == 'fpc_') ? $hook_prefix : '';
            // grab the original text and leave the filter hook on it
            $featured_text = apply_filters( $hook_prefix.'text', tc__f( '__get_'. $option_prefix .'option' , 'tc_featured_text_'.$fp_single_id ), $fp_single_id, $fp_id );
            // return un-sanitized text with html tags
            return html_entity_decode($featured_text);
        // Allow shortcodes
        add_filter($hook_prefix.'text_block', 'do_shortcode');
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