• Resolved tnoguchi


    Since I migrated to a host using Litespeed server, I haven’t managed to get Backwpup working. I’ve attached the following log:

    [INFO] BackWPup version 3.1.2; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress version 3.8.3
    [INFO] Blog url: https://xxxxxxxafe.com/xxxxxxxxx/
    [INFO] BackWPup job: On Demand Backup; DBDUMP+FILE+WPPLUGIN
    [INFO] BackWPup no automatic job start configured
    [INFO] BackWPup job started manually
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.4.22; litespeed; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 400 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.5.36-cll
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.24.0; OpenSSL/1.0.0
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/xxxxxxxxx/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-f67ba1-temp/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/xxxxxxxxx/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-f67ba1-logs/backwpup_log_f67ba1_2014-04-18_22-19-47.html
    [INFO] Backup type is: archive
    [INFO] Backup file is: /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/xxxxxxxxx/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-f67ba1-backups/backwpup_f67ba1_2014-04-18_22-19-47.tar.gz
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] 1. Try to backup database …
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Connected to database xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx on localhost
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_commentmeta" with "1" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_comments" with "6" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_itsec_lockouts" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_itsec_log" with "336" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_itsec_temp" with "8" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_links" with "7" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_options" with "268" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_postmeta" with "561" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_posts" with "136" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_term_relationships" with "62" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_term_taxonomy" with "15" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_terms" with "15" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_usermeta" with "66" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_users" with "3" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_w3tc_cdn_queue" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfBadLeechers" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfBlocks" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfBlocksAdv" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfConfig" with "83" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfCrawlers" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfFileMods" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfHits" with "9" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfHoover" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfIssues" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfLeechers" with "9" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfLockedOut" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfLocs" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfLogins" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfNet404s" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfReverseCache" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfScanners" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfStatus" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfThrottleLog" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Backup database table "xxxxxxxx_wfVulnScanners" with "0" records
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Added database dump "xxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx.sql.gz" with 433.84 kB to backup file list
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] Database backup done!
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:47] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:48] 426 folders to backup.
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:48] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:48] Added plugin list file "xxxx.pluginlist.2014-04-18.txt" with 1.66 kB to backup file list.
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:48] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:48] Added manifest.json file with 5.55 kB to backup file list.
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:48] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
    [18-Apr-2014 22:19:48] Compressing files as TarGz. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
    [18-Apr-2014 22:25:01] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [18-Apr-2014 22:25:01] 2. Trying to create backup archive …
    [18-Apr-2014 22:30:08] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [18-Apr-2014 22:30:08] 3. Trying to create backup archive …
    [18-Apr-2014 22:35:15] WARNING: Job restarts due to inactivity for more than 5 minutes.
    [18-Apr-2014 22:35:15] WARNING: Job finished with warnings in 928 seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution.

    I’ve tried to adjust the settings:

    Maximum script execution time: 45
    Maximum number of retries for job steps: 3

    My full amended info is below:

    WordPress version	3.8.3
    BackWPup version	3.1.2 Get pro.
    PHP version	5.4.22
    MySQL version	5.5.36-cll
    cURL version	7.24.0
    cURL SSL version	OpenSSL/1.0.0
    WP-Cron url:	https://xxxxxx/wp-cron.php
    Server self connect:	Response Test O.K.
    Temp folder:	/home/xxxx/public_html/xxx/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-f67ba1-temp/
    Log folder:	/home/xxxx/public_html/xxx/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-f67ba1-logs/
    Server	LiteSpeed
    Operating System	Linux
    PHP SAPI	litespeed
    Current PHP user	xxxx
    Safe Mode	Off
    Maximum execution time	400 seconds
    Alternative WP Cron	Off
    Disabled WP Cron	Off
    CHMOD Dir	0755
    Server Time	23:4
    Blog Time	23:04
    Blog Timezone
    Blog Time offset	0 hours
    Blog language	en-US
    MySQL Client encoding	utf8
    Blog charset	UTF-8
    PHP Memory limit	256M
    WP memory limit	128M
    WP maximum memory limit	256M
    Memory in use	43.25 MB
    Loaded PHP Extensions:	Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend Guard Loader, bcmath, calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom, ereg, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, imagick, imap, ionCube Loader, json, libxml, litespeed, mbstring, mcrypt, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, session, soap, sockets, sqlite3, standard, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, zip, zlib


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