• I recently purchased a plugin called Real Media Library from devowl.io.
    This plugin needs a licence and does daily checks to verify that the licence is still active.

    I noticed that the automatic licence-check fails when the LiteSpeed plugin is activated. Once it has failed I can active the licence manually in WP-Admin. But this should be an automatic process without manual interaction.

    I suspect that LiteSpeed caches the API calls made from the Real Media Plugin and because if this the licence renewal fails.

    I tried disabling the LiteSpeed plugin for 2 weeks and during this time I had no issues with licence-renewals in Real Media Library.

    However, as soon as I turn on the LiteSpeed plugin the problem appeared again – Real Media Library fails to renew the licence.

    I tried to turn off all 7 cache-options under “Cache” but did not help.

    Is there any setting in LiteSpeed that may interfere with API calls that are made from PHP code? When I look in the Real Media Library source code it looks like it’s using wp_remote_post() to contact the DevOwl servers.

    Report number: FOQRWEXI

    • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by danielkun.
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