• Resolved Amy_Beth


    I have a question that I need to know the answer to before I buy your plugin. Right now, I have a speaker directory membership site, which has categories. For example: Parenting, Leadership, Humorists, etc. Is there a way to set up FEU so that someone coming to the site to look for a speaker can search by category (e.g., Parenting), and get a list of names of members who speak on parenting? And then could click on a name and get a bio for that person? Anyone signing up would have to give permission to have their name displayed, but they want to be on a list so they can get speaking jobs.
    Thank you.


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  • Plugin Contributor etoilewebdesign


    Hi Amy,

    You can accomplish this by creating a new custom field (called “Categories” for example) and then using the [user-search] shortcode with the search_fields and user_profile_page attributes.

    An example of how this would look is:

    [user-search search_fields="Category" user_profile_page="https://url.with.profile.shortcode/"]

    This would make your Category custom field searchable and it would also make it so that clicking on any of the corresponding search results would bring you to their profile page.

    If you have questions regarding the premium version of this plugin, please contact us via email at [email protected], as discussion of premium/commercial features is discouraged on these forums.

    Thank you

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