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  • Hello,

    it seems that in the latest version, the categories combination does not work as stated in the documentation. I checked the code and I only saw the mathematical intersection (+) and exclusion (-) features. Not the mathematical union (?).

    So, AFAIK, you cannot list posts from different categories.

    Thread Starter andersce


    Thanks b1bz!

    So if I had a copy of an older version and I understood php could I add the ‘union’ back in?


    Maybe. I don’t know where and when the code actually broke.
    You definitely would want to have the latest code base, so you would have to adapt the old union feature.

    I’ll take a quick look.

    Hi I’m experiencing the same issue as well after the update was made in just 5 minutes ago. All my posts from other categories won’t show up.

    I must amend myself, I have misread the implementation. The feature should work and is present in the code base.

    This is the code I used
    [catlist id=1,2,3,6,9,10 pagination=yes numberposts=12 instance=1 excerpt=yes excerpt_strip=yes thumbnail=yes thumbnail_size=150 author=yes date=yes posts_morelink="READ MORE ?" template=delightful author_posts_link=yes]

    It was working before the update.

    After the update, only category 1 shows. Here’s the website:

    Can you please try with *only* the category filter please?
    (i.e. [catlist id=1,2,3,6,9,10])

    ok that works.

    The next step is then to isolate the bugged feature. Try them one by one.

    Way ahead of you ?? It’s the “template”. With or without quotes. However the template was working before…

    Yes, it seems that the code changes about “the loop” are breaking the template system.
    Sorry, I have not investigated this system at all.

    Can you roll-back to version 0.60 or 0.61?

    how do i go about doing that?

    Here are some download links:

    Thread Starter andersce


    Thanks for the links to older versions. I tried rolling back a couple of versions but no joy.

    So let me make sure I’m understanding the correct plugin behaviour.

    What I think these instructions:

    Posts from several categories with an OR relationship, posts that belong to any of the listed categories: [catlist id=17,24,32]

    are saying is the catlist shortcode will pull the most recent posts from categories with the id of 17 or 24 or 32 and display them.

    Is that the correct?

    If so there is something weird going on with my implementation.

    When I add this to my page:

    [catlist id=7,8,9,10 numberposts=2]

    I get two posts from category id=10. I thought it might just pulling back posts from the last category but when I changed the shortcode to:

    [catlist id=10,9,8,7 numberposts=2]

    I still get two posts from category 10.

    Am I using the shortcode correctly? Could this be a theme conflict? I’m using the Weaver II theme.

    Your assistance is appreciated.



    Hi, in your example you should probably be getting the most recent two posts which are in at least one of the categories

    So, it seems right that you get the same two, whichever way round you put the list. Have you tried with numberposts=<some big number> to make sure you also get posts from the other categories?

    I think the plugin is doing this correctly. By putting numberposts=2 you have asked it to output at most 2 posts. You have not asked it to put out 2 posts from category 7 and 2 posts from category 8 and so on as that is not what numberposts means. If you do want 2 posts from each category then making 4 calls: [catlist id=7 numberposts=2] [catlist id=8 numberposts=2] etc would do it, but I may have misunderstood what it is you want (and could some posts be in more than one of your categories?)

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